Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Beginner German Mistake der Freund

Beginner German Mistake der Freund The word Freund in German is at times ambiguous since it can mean either friend or boyfriend. The same with Freundin, which can mean either a female friend or a girlfriend. The use of der Freund/ die Freundin relies on contextual cues to give you an accurate meaning. Consider the Following Sentences Er ist mein bester FreundMein amerikanischer FreundMein Freund HeinzEr ist ein Freund fà ¼rs LebenWir sind FreundeEr ist ein Freund von mirEr ist mein FreundEr ist ein FreundEinen festen Freund habenEin echter FreundMein echter freundHast du einen Freund?Ist er dein Freund?Hast du Freunde?Ich war mit einem Freund im Urlaub Which of the above sentences signify â€Å"friend†, which ones â€Å"boyfriend†? Fortunately, Germans have construed set phrases to differentiate between the two. To mean strictly a friend, er ist ein Freund/ sie ist eine Freundin von mir is usually said. To add more â€Å"amore†, then the possessive pronoun will be used: er ist mein Freund/sie ist meine Freundin. If you want to talk in general about a boyfriend/girlfriend, simply einen Freund haben/eine Freundin haben or einen festen Freund haben/ eine feste Freundin haben will do. For example, if you wanted to ask somebody if she has a boyfriend, you could say either Hast du einen festen Freund? or Hast du einen Freund? But remember above all, context is key. Avoid the Embarrassment In order to not mix up a friend with a boyfriend and avoid some eyebrow raising, a good rule of thumb to keep would be the following: Usually anything with a possessive pronoun such as mein (except for mein bester Freund and other phrases, see below), and fest can be safely considered to be boyfriend territory. Take note however that women are more apt to call their female friends meine Freundin, whereas men prefer to introduce their male friends as ein Freund von mir. The term ein Freund (without von mir tagged behind it) can be interpreted either way depending on the context and the speaker’s intent. Keeping all this in mind, the aforementioned phrases could be translated as follows: Er ist mein bester Freund. (He is my best friend.)Mein amerikanischer Freund. (My American boyfriend)Mein Freund Heinz. (My boyfriend Heinz)Er ist ein Freund fà ¼rs Leben. (He is a friend for life.)Wir sind Freunde. (We are friends.)Er ist ein Freund von mir. (He is a friend of mine.)Er ist mein Freund. (He is my boyfriend.)Mein guter Freund. (My good friend.)Er ist ein Freund. (He is a friend.)Einen festen Freund haben. (To have a boyfriend.)Ein echter Freund. (A true friend.)Mein echter Freund. (My true friend/My real boyfriend.)Hast du einen Freund? (Do you have a boyfriend?)Ist er dein Freund? (Is he your boyfriend?)Hast du Freunde? (Do you have friends?)Ich war mit einem Freund im Urlaub. (I was on vacation with a friend.) Why the Ambiguity? It is interesting to note that the Old High German word for Freund, namely friunt as well as the Middle High German vriunt was used interchangeably with both close friends and relatives even up till the 1700s. The meaning of Freund can be traced back to the pre-Old High German word frijond which was the present participle of the verb frijon, ‘to love’. Further, Germans tend to use the word Freund less liberally than Americans, since ein Freund is really reserved for close friends. In less close-knit friendships, the other person is often considered by Germans to be â€Å"ein Bekannter† or â€Å"ein Kumpel.† Synonyms for Freund: der Kamerad, der Kumpel, der Kollege, der Gefhrte, die/der Atze (Berlin).Synonyms for Freund as Boyfriend/Girlfriend: der Geliebte/die Geliebte, der Lebenspartner/ die Lebenspartnerin, der Lebensgefhrte/ die Lebensgefhrtin.Expressions with Freund: das Freund-Feind-Denken an â€Å"if you’re not for us, you’re against us† way of thinkingDas habe ich ihm unter Freunden gesagt that was just between the two of us

Saturday, November 23, 2019

WWI Draft Registration Records

WWI Draft Registration Records All males in the United States  between the ages of 18  and 45  were required by law to register for the draft throughout 1917 and 1918, making WWI draft records a rich source of  information on millions of American males born between about 1872 and 1900. The WWI draft registration records are by far the biggest group of such draft records in the U.S., containing names, ages, dates, and place of birth for more than 24 million men.   Notable registrants of the World War One draft include, among many others,  Louis Armstrong, Fred Astaire, Charlie Chaplin, Al Capone, George Gershwin, Norman Rockwell, and  Babe Ruth.   Record Type: Draft registration cards, original records (microfilm and digital copies also available) Location:  U.S., although some individuals of foreign birth are also included. Time Period:  1917–1918 Best For: Learning the exact date of birth for all registrants (especially useful for men born prior to the onset of state birth registration), and exact place of birth for men born between 6 June 1886 and 28 August 1897 who registered in the first or second draft (possibly the only source of this information for foreign-born men who never became naturalized U.S. citizens). What Are WWI Draft Registration Records? On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act authorized the President to temporarily increase the U.S. military. Under the office of the Provost Marshal General, the Selective Service System was established to draft men into military service. Local boards were created for each county or similar state subdivision, and for each 30,000 people in cities and counties with a population greater than 30,000. During World War I there were three draft registrations: 5 June 1917 - all men between the ages of 21 and 31 residing in the U.S. - whether native born, naturalized, or alien5 June 1918 - men who reached age 21 after 5 June 1917. (A supplemental registration, included in the second registration, was held on 24 August 1918, for men who turned 21 years old after 5 June 1918.)12 September 1918 - all men between age 18 and 45. What You Can Learn From WWI Draft Records: At each of the three draft registrations a different form was used, with slight variations in the information requested. In general, however, youll find the registrants full name, address, phone number, date and place of birth, age, occupation and employer, the name and address of the nearest contact or relative, and the signature of the registrant. Other boxes on the draft cards asked for descriptive details such as race, height, weight, eye and hair color and other physical characteristics. Keep in mind that WWI Draft Registration Records are not military service records and they dont document anything past the individuals arrival at training camp and contain no information about an individuals military service. It is also important to note that not all of the men who registered for the draft actually served in the military, and not all men who served in the military registered for the draft. Where Can I Access WWI Draft Records? The original WWI draft registration cards are in the custody of the National Archives - Southeast Region near Atlanta, Georgia. They are also available on microfilm (National Archives publication M1509) at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, local Family History Centers, the National Archives and its Regional Archive centers. On the Web, subscription-based offers a searchable index of the WWI Draft Registration Records, as well as digital copies of the actual cards. The complete collection of digitized WWI draft records, plus a searchable index, is also available online for free from FamilySearch - United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917–1918. How to Search the WWI Draft Registration Records To effectively search for an individual among the WWI draft registration records, youll need to know at least the name and the county in which he registered. In large cities and in some large counties, youll also need to know the street address to determine the correct draft board. There were 189 local boards in New York City, for example. Searching by name only is not always enough as is fairly common to have numerous registrants with the same name. If you dont know the individuals street address, there are several sources where you may be able to find this information. City directories are the best source, and can be found at most large public libraries in that city and through Family History Centers. Other sources include the 1920 Federal Census (assuming that the family didnt move after the draft registration), and any contemporary records of events that occurred about that time (vital records, naturalization records, wills, etc.). If youre searching online and dont know where your individual was living, you can sometimes find him through other identifying factors. Many individuals, especially in the southeast U.S., registered by their full name, including middle name, which can make them easier to identify. You could also narrow the search by month, day and/or year of birth.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Computer IT User Guide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer IT User Guide - Research Paper Example While the library itself would provide solid access to materials needed for continued research, the Internet would provide the opportunity to gain access to such research, without leaving home. All of the sources used for this guide, have been found to be credible and reliable. In terms of the audience for this guide, it would be meant for both the expert computer related user, along with the average individual that may be seeking to gain an entrance into the subject matter that would allow them to start the learning process. While it would have overall consideration to the field of computers, it would be more inclined toward those individuals seeking to go into the IT field. As for the motivation behind the use of this guide, it would be figured that, at least for the most part, the goal would be to either firm up pre-existing knowledge, or to gain a basic level of knowledge that can be further built upon. Overall, an individual(s) may wish to utilize the guide for the purpose of continuing what they may have learned in class, or the desire to come into the study of the field as individuals without any pre-conceived notions. The format of this guide would be especially designed for the easy comprehension of both the long time user, along with someone who would be brand new. The source information provided within the guide would be far-encompassing, as it would come to the material gathered from the sources utilized. With this particular guide, it may find more individuals who would be found to gravitate towards it, in that the sources utilized, can be found readily through the use of the Internet. Even if the users of the guide were less than experienced with the Internet, or those who would spend a great deal of time using the medium, each would find benefits through using this guide. Organization of Information As for organization, the manner at which the information is organized in this guide is to show the general nature of material that is available on the subject, through the process of using the Internet. For those interested in the field of computers, they are generally aware of the broad nature of material within a given subject discipline that can be found through the use of such search engines as & Google. In terms of personal opinion, the construction of the user guide would be in such a manner that would fit the research approach for furthering personal awareness in the chosen discipline being studied. The abstracts have been constructed in a manner that allow for the easy comprehension of the material being observed and the ability to readily find the material and utilize it. The conscious decision to effectively format the guide, in turn, allows for the user(s), to be able to effectively grasp and utilize the material that they are reading. Assumptions In general, this user guide would have been created, with the thought that there would be individuals that would either have knowledge to begin with on the subject, or would wish to become familiar for whatever reason, with the diverse nature of computers and computer related professions. Despite the fact that having firsthand knowledge on the subject may place an individual(s) at a better position going in, there still would remain the sense that, even without such knowledge, an

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Statistics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Statistics - Term Paper Example It is imperative to note that there might be extra variables which cause movement in the observed variables and these are not taken into account when analyzing the correlation between the two variables.It is imperative to note that there might be extra variables which cause movement in the observed variables and these are not taken into account when analyzing the correlation between the two variables.Correlation establishes the association between two variables, whereas regression is to establish a numerical connection between the two variables. In other words, correlation answers the questions if two variables X and Y are related whereas regression gives the numerical connection between them.a) Straight Line Regression: The regression line is of the form: Y = a + b X, where Y is the dependent variable X is the independent variable a represents the y- intercept, i.e., the value of Y when X is equal to zero b represents the slope of the regression line indicating the sensitivity of Y to changes in Xb) Least Squares Method: The regression line can be estimated based on the Least Squares Method. The method is based on the concept that the best regression line is the line which is at a minimum distance possible from all the data points) The regression line gives the relationship between the two variables in the form of an equation.d) The least squares method gives us the equation of the line of best fit. It is, however, essential to estimate the reliability or ‘goodness of fit’ of this regression equation) The coefficient of determination is the square of the value of R (R2). The coefficient of determination is expressed as a percentage. In case R is +1 or -1, the R2 value is 1 indicating a perfect fit or a 100 % fit.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Personality Psychology Essay Example for Free

Personality Psychology Essay Abstract:  Capturing a portrait of life reveals the keys to unlocking the potential or positive self-schema of emphasizing knowledge of your self-worth and the worth of others, utilizing your own interpretations of the world through life situations, film, spiritual enlightenment and our own perceptions. Which questions us to decipher the defense mechanisms that we to better decipher the defense mechanisms we acquire only making us handicap toward viewing and interacting with society. Introduction-That’s the Glory of, that’s the Story of Life Secretly we all want to be beautiful or handsome, equally talented, the center of attention just for once in our lives. The extravagantly creative are loners, the amazingly attractive are too conceited, and the king or queen of our dreams are nowhere in sight. But what makes us that social butterfly, that person who creates connections all across the world as their smile lights up the room, does this person reveal their true selves in society or is it just an illusion? The hard work and efforts we make to gain respect, insight and a positive imagine in our life might take more than just a decent gesture or a firm handshake, we sometimes have to be untruthful about who and what we are and simply what we do. Within our own crowded closets we hide our skeletons so perfectly that no one is aware of all those deadly fears, baggage, and overall unappealing factors that might make society feel like we are the unwanted or unnoticed. Whether we know it or not it is our self-sabotaging state of mind that leads us to the helplessness of being important and the desire to be socially acceptable; as we hold importance on self-image or self-schema we are sometimes left with our thoughts within our intriguing minds wondering how to get there and what we must become. We then began to shield our true emotions and feelings with defense mechanisms that stand as our guard facing the factors that we are only human and have faults. Looking At the Man in the Mirror –Finding Me, My Own Self-image Within The steps toward grasping our self-image must come from within as we look in the mirror,† we ask ourselves who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? † Meanwhile the question answers itself saying â€Å"who are we not to be as a Child of God our playing small does not served the world, as we come to the realization that there is nothing enlightening about downplaying our own personalities so that other people won’t feel insecure around us. In life upon society we are meant to shine as we are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within, as everyone has that chance to shine but if we let our lights shine we give others the ability to unconsciously to do the same. Finally we are liberated from the fears that had us bound as we break those chains of negativity just simply by our presence we free others. (Williamson, 2013) This factor is known as cognitive schema or cognitive psychology; we define self-schema or self-image as the mental process with the efficiently processing and organization of incoming information. We find that our knowledge, beliefs, and past experience are stored into our long-term without intervening with our conscious thoughts. Although we equally process information about ourselves schematically this happens when our brains store memory feedbacks that we receive from the sources from our peers, senses and bodies which also interlinks with â€Å"our emotions and physiology in a complex way that interconnects with self-systems that triggers automated scripts or actions that respond well to the situation. It is the cues of the environment that prompt a schema that sets into motion an automated sequence of cognitive, emotional and physiological responses. Are we really the product of our own environment? Looking within our own past we find that our own self-schema is developed in our childhood, the thoughts of feeling unwanted, loved, unlovable, unattractive, unintelligent and other factors increasingly set into this motion that become negative and harmful in a person’ s life. With no reassurance from our peers, family or partners the emotions and behaviors that seem to deeply affect us makes it hard to conceal those wounds which prompt us to make additional self-schemas that seem to be more destructive than others. When we create the perfect self-schemas we initiate some matters more than others igniting a chain reaction of thoughts, feelings, perceptions and actions that are dangerous to us. It seems to me that we justify what’s harmful to us but not what’s harmful to others as we view other people and categorize them in ways that are negative which being stereotypical, prejudice or even discrimination about ones creed or color seem to reveal the way we truly feel about people different than us. Although our own self-schemas we have about ourselves can cause suffering there nothing less than cognitive constructs within our minds especially when thinking, feeling and behaving in a certain way. However, self-schemas are useful to us in our daily lives forcing us to be consciously being aware of important decisions and guide us on the right path so that we can behave appropriately in different situations and among people. Also they help us understand and interpret the way we use the information for example as we receive facts it activates specific cognitive, verbal and behavioral action sequences which are called scripts and action plans which makes it possible for us to meet goals more efficiently. The Spiritual Self-Schema, 2013) The Battle within Ourselves In place within ourselves, we fight the good fight but it seems like we are our own worst enemy but what truly lies within our own unique battles is the willingness to change. But does that underlying promise go unheard? For our interpretive frameworks for understanding our own are the schema that is related to the behaviors of others; could it be the self-relevant experiences, situations and events that are relevant to a person’s self-definition that gains our focus or our attention? Although we are only human our minds seem to always be consumed by the future, transformation and fears thereof. In reference to self-schema a film like Bicentennial Man portrays the story of the battle within us paint an intricate picture of how a blank canvas can turn into a magnificent masterpiece, whereas the story of Andrew Martin, expressed his endeavors in his transformation from robot to human and all the emotions and feelings involved. Andrew Martin played by Robin Williams reveals how people understand the behaviors of others in certain situations, experiences and events. (imdb. om, 2013) As he learned more and more about the human experience and behaviors and why we do the things we do he gained insight that maybe the image he saw of him was merely human. Martin, an android who was glad to be of service saw that life was more than being a mere machine but the utmost feeling of being a human was satisfying in ways beyond measure. As years and years progressed his family life throughout serving as a butler, a teacher, a maid, a cook and an instructor made him yearn for something more and more each day as he soon found his talent with wood and creating clocks, whatnots and other masterpieces. Could this be the element he was looking for something more that proved to him not only to be an android but a person full of talent, dreams and aspirations that no upgrade within his system could create? Time took a toll at the Martin’s residence whereas everyone was getting older and Andrew was no longer needed in the household but his bond with Sir Richard Martin and Little Miss provoked an idea to explore other remarkable experiences as he did with the Martin family. His journey did not stop there; his search drove him to find another android like him with more drive, passion and personality than he ever known. After years and years of searching for answers it took years for him to understand to be human was to live, to love, to cry, to laugh and utmost experience of fulfilling one’s life dream which was to look back at the moments of life and have no regrets dying peaceful as a human. Even though Andrew Martin was just a robot his future of being something specular was obviously his fate as he altered himself becoming, enjoying the human experience to its fullness this exposed the true meaning of self-knowledge with knowing his past selves, possible selves, aging and his outlooks toward the future. This is also the conflict we constantly have in life as we have trouble with seeing the our actual selves but yearn for the day of becoming something more sufficient than we see upon life’s mirror, it is very crucial that we accept things that we cannot change but have the willingness and drive to not be afraid to change the things that are changeable which start with loving ourselves as we would love our neighbor. Self-Schema, 2013) Healing Wounds, Love Thy Self as Thy Neighbor Have you ever noticed it is just the norm people to criticize others who are different than them, but if it’s inside there typical safe zone then they figure it not as much as a taboo? Within transforming ourselves we try to fix things that we do not like about ourselves as far as self-image, personality, self-schema but not our own interpretation of how we view the world. The paragraph stated before, but I must reiterate that our knowledge, beliefs, and past experience are stored into our long-term without intervening with our conscious thoughts; but isn’t it our own self-schemas we have about ourselves or others that can cause suffering there nothing less the cognitive constructs within our minds especially when thinking, feeling and behaving in a certain way. Another film that coincides with the known factor of not understanding the unknown, it is the film entitled, â€Å"Powder† where Sean Patrick Flanery portrays a young boy named Powder; who is an albino with a unique powers but as the more attention that receives the more he shakes up the rural community he lives in. (imdb. com, 2013) The looks, the stares and the comments reminds me of how people act when they see someone with deformities or let alone someone who is considered not normal in society. The story holds many different meanings and concepts just as the story of Jesus does when God brought him down to earth to die for our sins to save humanity. Although these too stories are quite different you cannot help but to see how this film and the life of Jesus simply coincide with each other, both being spiritual in nature but still different nonetheless. Powder was born with a gift, his unique talent of telekinesis, odd attraction to electricity, and knowing things about people with simply a touch, shows exactly how different he was from most of the people that were in town. It became a proven fact that he was the center of attention but it was unwanted for people like himself do not want to be mocked, criticized or ridiculed, as the movie progresses we find that although Powder is seen as a person of rare intelligence no one fully understands him. For he views his self-schema or self-image in a negative way, for he sees himself as unattractive, odd and is an individual who is deeply wounded with doubts, regrets and feeling of being unwanted his whole life. How can someone so passionate about life and its surroundings be deeply wounded inside, does his factors of his childhood impact his self-schema as he was told he was different not unique, disfigured not handsome, or even strange but not extraordinary? The day by day taunting of others and the cruelness seemed to take a toll on what Powder thought life would be like from living in a small basement as his only friends where his grandparents and his books, it became obvious that this young, ingenious soul could not cope. Deeply saddened by society and the people in it he chose to leave the world as much as Jesus did but only difference was he (Jesus) left on a cross and Powder upon the electrocution from a thunderstorm. Whether we know it or not the keys to unlocking the age old question to humanity is written deep within our hearts in souls, which it is to love thy neighbor like we love ourselves. If we took a closer look at the people as we go about the our daily hustle and bustle of our lives it seems that we are not truly focused on the importance or purpose of our own life which is to help our fellow man. When we look in the mirror do we see ourselves as a normal person with normal lives and ordinary dreams and goals but does the question ever come up in our minds about who did we have to step over to get on the climb on that ladder of success? Was it the people that we see every day that make an effort to become an impact in ones lives, someone will morals, a upbeat personality along with a sound mind and character? How do we love our neighbors like we love ourselves when we are so consumed by money, power, greed and success? What drives the engine inside us that we could be so cruel, closed-minded and let alone numb to the world. In society there must be something inside us that stops us and reminds us that it is those cognitive constructs within our minds and our self-schema that make it useful to live our daily lives as we are forced to be aware of the important decisions that we choose. This guides us on the right path so in every situation with each person we meet no matter what race, creed, color, orientation or abnormalities to behave the way we should, as we love our neighbor like we love ourselves. The factor of our own desires to have a close connection with our spiritual side interprets who and what we are. The Spiritual Self-Schema, 2003) Spiritual Self-Schema- What Would Jesus Do? Our own interpretation of life is immensely influenced by our culture, religion, environment and overall self-schema is basically how you are impacted by life or society. In a sense we all claim to be the seekers of our own destinies, as we search for our truest, strongest and deepest self we earn our stake to redeem ourselves. Otherwise in this fast-paced society it behooves us to analyze the construction of our patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving which occupies our unique characteristics as individuals. When life brings us misfortune we totally focus vastly on religion because it makes the path smoother which lifts our spirits, although our spiritual self-schema is known as a â€Å"cognitive structure† that can construct and maintain an ultimate experience full of qualities and characteristics that are attributed to it. As these things interconnect with all living things or Supreme Being or a higher power this position propose individuals who solely seek the will of spiritual nature in the total aspect of being compassionate, and peaceful in nature. During the route to spiritual self-scheme we discover our own spiritual path that relieves us from suffering and give us the ability to cope with adversity and the ability to change behaviors that harm ourselves or others. At that swift moment of instability we find courage, inspiration, and enlightenment through our spiritual self-schema as it molds us to become who and what we are; we face another factor in our lives which is our defense mechanisms that we thrive on to hide our true selves from the world concealing the hurt that we’ve experienced along with the pain. Spiritual Self-Schema, 2003) Dealing With Life, I Have a Big Ego Sigmund Freud described a number of ego defenses in his written works; he once said that â€Å"Life is not easy! The ego—the â€Å"I† –sits at the center of some pretty powerful forces: reality; society, as represented by the superego; biological, as represented by the Id. As the conflicting demands of society upon the poor ego seem to be understandable if you are threatened, overwhelmed or have that feeling of anxiety. It is that proof that only explains ego as one thing â€Å"survival† which might cause something else to be in danger. The way we deal with life, conflict and problems totally depends on our ego which engages the defense mechanisms we have on an unconscious level which helps us ward off anxiety and brings peace back to our situation or circumstance. â€Å"The ego, driven by the id, confined by the superego could be disgusted by reality and fights to control the tasks of displaying peace among the forces and influences that might be working in and upon it. Otherwise the ego must admit its weakness in order to break those â€Å"chains of anxiety regarding the outside world, as moral anxiety regarding the superego and neurotic anxiety regarding the strength of the passions in the id. † When our memories of the unconscious along with drives or urges still are existent, they continually apply to the â€Å"powerful influence on behavior, as the forces itself fight to keep painful or socially undesirable thoughts and memoires out of the conscious mind which are known as defense mechanisms. This â€Å"battle between the wish, repressed into the id and the so called defense mechanisms†; although we use defense mechanisms to â€Å"protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt that arises because an individual might feel vulnerable because our id or superego becomes too demanding, seem like they are not under our conscious control, and are very non-voluntaristic. The â€Å" ego† within our â€Å"unconscious will use several different methods to protect us when we come up against the stressors in our lives. † If we know or not our â€Å"ego-defense mechanisms that are natural and normal but soon as they get out of hand our neuroses develop for example anxiety states, phobias, obsessions or hysteria. †

Friday, November 15, 2019

Juvenile Crime Essay -- Juvenile Crime Essays

Juvenile Crime Juvenile crime rates have nearly doubled in most countries. In the news we keep hearing about youngsters got mixed up in shady affairs and committing petty crimes. Firstly they just steal an apple from the market stands, then rob a small shop, next day we learn about a 17-year-old kid who killed his classmates. People are concerned and rightly so. That's all what we do or maybe give them a harsh punishment. It seems that the problem has only focused on punishment and very little on prevention or intervention. There is no single cause of violence but we can certainly list a lot of risk factors, which increase the development of delinquent behavior. These include child abuse and family disintegration, violating behavior, academic failure, school dropout, and lack of contact with the society, fighting with peers and antisocial behavior early in life. In order to reveal the real background of juvenile crime it's obviously not enough to stop at this point. Probably none of the young delinquents were born with aggression, rage and hatred. Their environment and our society have turned them into who they are today. Juveniles have to face the cruel sides of the world too early and they are not well prepared for it yet. Some of them are able to deal with it, some of them are not. The latter shocked by the realization will escape to the world of crimes so trying to hide themselves from all the disappointment. Crime rates are the highest in the more urbani...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How does Austen convince the reader that Lizzy is right to reject Mr.Collins’ proposal?

From the first sentence of the passage, Austen demonstrates that Mr Collins is not a suitable husband for Lizzy when she says â€Å"Mr Collins was not a sensible man. † In Chapter 15, Austen describes the character of Mr Collins in more detail reinforcing the statement made in the opening sentence. Mr Collins is then described as being stupid and his natural stupidity has not been helped by ‘education or society. ‘ Although Mr Collins had been to university, he had ‘only kept the necessary terms. ‘ so he had not improved himself as a result of attending. Mr Collins was brought up as by a stingy father who gave him no guidance and gave Mr Collins a ‘great humility of manner' meaning he was reluctant to involve himself in society. When Mr Collins is recommended to the living of Hunsford by ‘fortunate chance' he is forced into society and his ‘early and unexpected prosperity' has gone to his head. He venerates his patron Lady Catherine de Bough, and Austen's use of the word ‘veneration' suggests the religious awe with which Mr Collins regards Lady Catherine. It is ironical that a clergyman who prides himself on setting an example to his parish practically worships his patroness. Austen describes him as ‘a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance, and humility. ‘ Mr Collins intends to marry one of the Bennet daughters, but Austen's description of Mr Collins convinces the reader that his behaviour makes him unsuitable for anyone. Before arriving at Longbourn, Mr Collins had decided he would marry the eldest of the five daughters, Jane. However, Mrs. Bennet tells him that Jane is likely to be engaged so Mr Collins decides to marry Elizabeth instead. This decision to change his affections was made ‘while Mrs. Bennet was stirring the fire,' which highlights the absurdity in the switch in his affections. Chapter 19 shows Mr Collins at his most well intentioned, but also at his most stupid. Lizzy feels awkward when Mr Collins asks to speak with her, and she is ‘torn between distress and diversion,' meaning that she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Mr Collins however, sees this awkwardness as a mark of a good upbringing and shows his insensitivity by failing to see Lizzy's unhappiness at the interview. Mr Collins then claims he will be ‘run away with by (his) feelings' which brings Lizzy to the verge of laughter at the very notion. Mr Collins' â€Å"solemn composure† would ever lead him to be romantic. Mr Collins gives three reasons for marrying, but none of them consider Lizzy's feelings, they only satisfy him. The first reason is to set an example to his parish; the second is to ensure his happiness, without considering Lizzy's, and the final reason is his patron, Lady Catherine de Bough told him to marry. Mr Collins shows his absurd veneration of Lady Catherine by recalling the whole conversation when she told him to choose a suitable wife. So part of the reason Mr Collins is marrying is to satisfy his patron, who, according to Mr Collins, will think Lizzy a suitable wife. Mr Collins assures Lizzy that were she to marry him, she would be able to meet Lady Catherine, something he sees as a real privilege. Mr Collins explains to Lizzy how Lady Catherine will enjoy her ‘wit and vivacity,' yet also says how Lady Catherine's high social rank demands silence, so it is a mystery how Elizabeth will be able to demonstrate ‘wit and vivacity' when she is required to remain silent! It is evident from Mr Collins's attitude that he views Lady Catherine as being more important than his intended wife, but he further compounds his errors by telling Lizzy there are many ‘amiable young women' in his neighbourhood. He also believes the marriage is right as a reconciliation because Mr Bennet's estate is entailed away form the family line to Mr Collins. So far, the reader has not seen a motive of love at any point in this proposal, Mr Collins has talked of pleasing himself and his patron. However, from chapter 15, the reader can see that there is no depth to Mr Collins's affections; he had simply resolved to choose a wife, almost for the sake of having one. Mr Collins, however, assures Lizzy of the ‘violence' of his affection. He also claims that at as soon as he entered the Longbourn house he had ‘singled out' Lizzy as the companion of his future life. The reader knows this to be untrue as Mr Collins only chose Lizzy when he was told Jane was likely to be engaged. Austen convinces the reader here that Lizzy should reject Mr Collins because it is evident that there would be no element of love in the marriage, and Mr Collins is portrayed as being selfish and dishonest during this conversation. Austen shows the reader that Mr Collins has a complete lack of self-knowledge. Mr Collins claims to be ‘perfectly indifferent' to Lizzy's fortune as she is not entitled to a large inheritance, yet he knows the precise details of her inheritance and speaks at length on the subject. It is evident although Mr Collins professes to have no interest in her fortune, that he is interested enough to research the exact nature of Lizzy's inheritance. Mr Collins's blundering would make Lizzy even less likely to marry him than she was before the start of the proposal. He tells Lizzy there are plenty of pretty girls in his Parish, and speaks at length about the death of Lizzy's parents, further demonstrating the fact that he had no idea about the correct way to behave in society. Whilst making his long speech, outlining the benefits of the marriage for himself and venerating Lady Catherine, Mr Collins had not considered that Lizzy might refuse him which shows great arrogance and complete lack of thought. When Lizzy is finally able to reply, she replies politely, thanking Mr Collins for his compliments, and unsurprisingly, refuses Mr Collins's proposal. Yet, Mr Collins further shows his complete ignorance of society by refusing to accept Lizzy's refusal! Mr Collins, claiming to have great knowledge of society, believes that ‘it is usual for young ladies to reject the man they secretly mean to accept. He does not understand society and the idea that young ladies would refuse to marry a man they loved is ludicrous. Lizzy tries to convince Mr Collins to accept her refusal by referring to Lady Catherine, claiming ‘she would find me in every respect ill-qualified for the situation. ‘ Mr Collins however, thinks exactly the opposite believing Lizzy' s ‘modesty and economy' make her a suitable wife. These were two of the qualities Lady Catherine instructed Mr Collins to look for in a wife. Mr Collins continues to persist and he outlines the reasons why he is convinced Lizzy secretly loves him. These include ‘my situation in life, my connections with the family of de Bough'. He further insults Lizzy saying she might not get another chance of marriage largely because her ‘portion is so small' meaning her lack of wealth will ruin her chance of marriage and he is probably the only man who will accept her. He still refuses to accept Lizzy's refusal, and Lizzy leaves the room to appeal to her father ‘whose negative might be uttered in such a manner as must be decisive. ‘ Austen does not make the reader feel sorry for Mr Collins, but portrays him as a totally unsuitable husband for Lizzy. The initial description of Mr Collins in chapter 15 tells the reader what Mr Collins is like, and Austen's view of him as ‘not a sensible man' is totally accurate. In chapter 19, we see Mr Collins's stupidity during his proposal to Lizzy, and it is obvious Mr Collins does not know how to behave, nether does he have any understanding of people's feelings. It is Austen's description and portrayal of Mr Collins that convinces the reader that Lizzy is right to reject Mr Collins and that she deserves a much better husband.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Influence of Music to Culture Essay

When I think of pop culture I think of music. There is so much music out in the world today. Many people are influenced by music they listen to. Mostly because they want to copy their favorite artist or because they feel that’s a way of expressing themselves and fitting in with the people that are into the same music. It’s also a way to find similar things to other people who listen to different music. Teens my age are mostly into hip-hop and R&B. Hip-hop I believe is the most popular type of music that is listened to by the public. Nelly for example is an R&B artist and he wears Air Force Nike’s, big jerseys, and Sean John fashion. When you look around in my school you tend to see many boys wearing the same thing. Another artist is also Fabulous who likes to wear fitted caps, and many boys are wearing the same kind of caps. Now people who tend to listen to pop music like N’Sync and Britney Spears tend to wear shell toe sneakers and dress sort of preppy with light colors. People who listen to alternative music like Papa Roach and Slipknot tend to wear big baggy pants and baby pins on their bags with very colorful hair. Another way people let music influence them is the language or slang they use. For example Nelly is an artist from St. Louis, and because of his accent, he says here it sounds like he is saying â€Å"herre†. The way guys call their friends â€Å"dog† and â€Å"nigga† are also uses of slang that hip-hop artists use. With pop music there’s more of an accent when they speak like a preppy, peachy, happy sound. Alternative music is usually harsh and people who listen to alternative music tend to have a hard tough accent with much more cursing than usual. Another way that people become influenced by their music is what seems to interest them. People who listen to hip-hop are mostly interested in the â€Å"ice† (jewelry) â€Å"gear† (clothing) and â€Å"ride† (car). People who tend to listen to pop music, who are mostly girls I would say, are interested in the mall, and bleaching their hair. It’s not usually very accurate, but I’m just talking out of my experience. So many people do know what I mean when I say that music influences the way people act and the way people carry themselves. I know that not all is true but most of the time people copy artists just to feel good and be able to fit in with other people, because the truth is nobody likes to be alone.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Don Manuel Osorio Manrique De Zuniga

The Painting I have chosen to critically analyze is Don Manuel Osorio Manrique De Zuniga. The great Francisco Goya painted it in 1784. Goya is considered to be the â€Å"Father of Modern Art†. Goya’s art spanned a total of 60 years. He began painting in the late Baroque period. The painting consists of a boy dressed in an extravagant red suit. holding a string attached to a birds leg. Behind the boy at his feet are three cats staring attentively at the pet bird. Two of the cats are very visible, but the third you have to look very close to see the faint eyes. There are also yellow canaries in a cage. Although many of Goya’s great works were in a neo-classical style this portrait of Don Manuel was done in a Baroque style. By painting the suit of the boy red Goya makes the viewers eye immediately notice the boy before anything else in the painting. The brush technique Goya used in painting the lace of the boys collar and cuffs simulates the texture of hand-made lace perfectly. Goya also the way the light is reflected off of the white sash suggests it is made of silk, the fabric of the wealthy. The composition in this painting is of a triangle to keep the painting united. The unity is further heightened by the delicate balance of the portrait using subtle lights and darks on opposing sides and the placement of almost equal forms at feet of Don Manuel. Though Goya was restricted to painting a portrait he did a marvelous job of depicting the character of Don Manuel. Symbolism is the key to understanding the character of Don Manuel. It begins with the symbolism of the lace and silk to show the wealth of the Don and the caged birds which symbolize innocence in Baroque art. In Christian art the bird symbolizes the soul. Also by understanding the animal relationship between cats and birds(Predator-Prey) and the way they stare of the bi... Free Essays on Don Manuel Osorio Manrique De Zuniga Free Essays on Don Manuel Osorio Manrique De Zuniga The Painting I have chosen to critically analyze is Don Manuel Osorio Manrique De Zuniga. The great Francisco Goya painted it in 1784. Goya is considered to be the â€Å"Father of Modern Art†. Goya’s art spanned a total of 60 years. He began painting in the late Baroque period. The painting consists of a boy dressed in an extravagant red suit. holding a string attached to a birds leg. Behind the boy at his feet are three cats staring attentively at the pet bird. Two of the cats are very visible, but the third you have to look very close to see the faint eyes. There are also yellow canaries in a cage. Although many of Goya’s great works were in a neo-classical style this portrait of Don Manuel was done in a Baroque style. By painting the suit of the boy red Goya makes the viewers eye immediately notice the boy before anything else in the painting. The brush technique Goya used in painting the lace of the boys collar and cuffs simulates the texture of hand-made lace perfectly. Goya also the way the light is reflected off of the white sash suggests it is made of silk, the fabric of the wealthy. The composition in this painting is of a triangle to keep the painting united. The unity is further heightened by the delicate balance of the portrait using subtle lights and darks on opposing sides and the placement of almost equal forms at feet of Don Manuel. Though Goya was restricted to painting a portrait he did a marvelous job of depicting the character of Don Manuel. Symbolism is the key to understanding the character of Don Manuel. It begins with the symbolism of the lace and silk to show the wealth of the Don and the caged birds which symbolize innocence in Baroque art. In Christian art the bird symbolizes the soul. Also by understanding the animal relationship between cats and birds(Predator-Prey) and the way they stare of the bi...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Simple Rules for Rounding Numbers Correctly

Simple Rules for Rounding Numbers Correctly Rounding numbers is important to preserve significant figures in calculations and to record long numbers. In everyday life, rounding is useful in calculating a tip at a restaurant and dividing the bill among diners. or in estimating the amount of cash required for a trip to the grocery store. When rounding whole numbers there are two rules to remember: First, you must understand the term rounding digit. When asked to round to the closest 10, your ​rounding digit is the second number from the right, or 10s place, when working with whole numbers. When asked to round to the nearest hundred, the third place from the right is the rounding digit or 100s place. Rules for Rounding Whole Numbers Determine what your rounding digit is and look to the right side of it. If the digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, do not change the rounding digit. All digits that are on the right-hand side of the requested rounding digit will become 0.If the digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, your rounding digit rounds up by one number. All digits that are on the right-hand side of the requested rounding digit will become 0. Rounding Rules for Decimal Numbers Determine what your rounding digit is and look to the right side of it. If that digit is 4, 3, 2, or 1, simply drop all digits to the right of it.If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 add one to the rounding digit and drop all digits to the right of it. Some teachers prefer another method, which provides more accuracy and is sometimes referred to as the Bankers Rule. When the first digit dropped is 5 and there are no digits following or the digits following are zeros, make the preceding digit even (i.e., round off to the nearest even digit). Following this rule, 2.315 and 2.325 both round to 2.32- instead of 2.325 rounding up to 2.33- when rounded off to the nearest 100th. The rationale for the third rule is that approximately half of the time the number will be rounded up and the other half of the time it will be rounded down. Examples of How to Round Numbers 765.3682 becomes: 1,000 when asked to round to the nearest 1,000800 when asked to round to the nearest 100770 when asked to round to the nearest 10765 when asked to round to the nearest one (1)765.4 when asked to round to the nearest 10th765.37 when asked to round to the nearest 100th765.368 when asked to round to the nearest (1,000th) Rounding comes in handy when you are about to leave a tip at a restaurant. Lets say your bill is $48.95. One rule of thumb is to round to $50 and leave a 15 percent tip. To quickly figure out the tip, say that $5 is 10 percent, and to reach 15 percent you need to add half of that, which is $2.50, bringing the tip to $7.50. If you want to round up again, leave $8- if the service was good, that is.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Authenticity and Commercialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Authenticity and Commercialism - Essay Example For instance, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, an underground music revolution was taking place in Seattle, aptly called "grundge" due to the unkempt, unshaven, and slovenly appearance of the band members who were producing this "new" type of music. Independent bands like Pearl Jam and Nirvana, were known locally on the Seattle club scene, however, the rest of the country was not aware of this independent movement in music. However, it would not be long before the popularity of this new sound caught the eyes and ears of commercial music labels, which signed many of these bands to recording contracts. Once this occurred, the public was given a taste of grundge and Nirvana and other similar bands became superstars and commercially successful throughout the country, and even the world. This culturally unique music, once only played in the underground clubs of Seattle, was now commercially viable and its authenticity was somewhat lost in the process. Although authenticity may be lost by virtue of commercialism, the authenticity of a product or practice may actually increase its commercial value (Szekely 93). ... Once those in the public get wind of the latest trend or the newest "authentic" music, they too want to be part of the experience or the movement. Therefore, more of the music is sold, which increases its commercial value tremendously. What Are the Implications When Commercialism Destroys Authenticity, Yet Increases Commercial Value One major implication of these two phenomenons working together is that authenticity is lost and commercialism is increased, however, it is the authentic nature of the product or practice that propelled it into commercial popularity. Furthermore, this would suggest that authenticity is a fleeting thing, and is stripped once commercialism takes hold and. Conclusion Authenticity and commercialism are not mutually exclusive as, ironically, it is authenticity that can propel a product or practice to commercial success. Therefore, commercialism is only detrimental to a product or practice in the destruction of its authenticity, but is instrumental in giving an authentic product, success and notoriety. Works Cited Szekely, Michael. "Pushing the Popular, or toward a Compositional Popular Aesthetics."Popular Music and Society 29.1 (2006):

Friday, November 1, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Operations Management - Essay Example e continuous improvement as a never-ending process, emphasis should be given on restaurant staff, equipment, suppliers, materials (such as ingredients) and processes. Walter Shewhart has developed a circular model PDCA which can be used as a tool for continuous improvement. Another approach which Nok can adopt to emphasis on continuous improvement is to create a small team of 8-12 employees which is known as quality circles. Nok can provide the team with the required tools and techniques through which they can identify the problems and make the required changes to solve the problem (Mahadevan, 2010). The major problem which Nok has realised that she will face is the varying demand of the customers, which will not also result in unavailability of various ingredients but will also result in wastage of unused items. Therefore, the first mission of quality circle will be to determine how to predict the demand of customers rightly and how to ensure just-in-time inventory or stock. In order to determine the solutions to the above mentioned problem, the team should meet at least twice a week for 60-90 minutes to determine the number of customers visited the restaurant during the week and the items that were requested from the menu and the ingredients that wer e used. Once the quality circle gets able to solve this problem, then and only then any problem can be approached. In this way, by using these two quality management approaches, Nok will be better able to improve and ensure the quality of its products/services. Although quality management team or quality circle will be able to determine the areas where the improvements can be made to reduce the defects and problems, however, to understand the root cause of the problem, using Cause and Effect (Fishbone) Diagram can be very significant. Since the ultimate aim of excellent operations management is to achieve the customer satisfaction, therefore, to assess the quality provided by the restaurant and to analyse the